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Make Your Customers Feel Smart
Make Your Customers Feel Confident with Their Buying Decision

Creativity with collectible cows

I originally wrote this article for the eCommerceBytes Newsletter.

Last week, my wife was packing for a business trip to Dallas and was wondering what the weather there was like. I said, "I can find out." I fired up my computer and got the extended forecast. While I was at it I checked to see if her hotel offered hair dryers, made her a map from the airport to her hotel and even found a list of nearby restaurants.

"Wow," she lovingly praised me, "you're smart."

I'm not that smart, I simply know where to look.
It made me feel good just the same.

For most of us who make our living online, using our computers to find things out is second nature. Many of our customers, however, may not be as computer savvy. There are over 300 million people in the United States alone. Although many now have computers, it has never occurred to some of them that buying antiques and collectibles online is the smart thing to do.

It's up to you to show them that it is, and that you are the answer to their buying needs.

When potential customers visit your Web site or auction, make them realize they are in the right place, and they are smart for discovering you. You've only got a few seconds to grab their attention and make them take notice. If you don't, they'll just keep searching.

Now, what's the best way to make your potential customers feel smart for buying from you? Demonstrate your expertise in your product knowledge and customer service with a quality offer. Provide them with everything they need to make an informed decision: quality pictures, competitive prices, accurate descriptions (with no misspellings), complete contact information and shipping policies, a variety of payment options, satisfied customer testimonials, and a Money Back Guarantee.

Simply let your visitor know when they feel the urge to go shopping for antiques and collectibles, turning on their computers is a viable and reliable solution. Most importantly, they should come to your Web site or auction for the best deal. Sell not only your products, but yourself as well. Let your customer confidently experience that good "after purchase feeling."

It's the smart thing to do.